Wireless Debugger

Wireless Debugger is a mobile SDK and sample web server for streaming and parsing mobile app logs and displaying them in a web UI console.

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Getting Started

There are many ways to use Wireless Debugger. This article describes the simplest case where you want to use Wireless Debug without any modifications. There are two main steps that you need to perform to use Wireless Debug:

1. Deploy the Wireless Debug server component

The easiest way to deploy the Wireless Debug server component is using Docker. Instructions for installing Docker can be found at their website. For other deployment options, see the Deployment wiki page.

After installing Docker, all you need to do is run:

docker pull jsve/wireless-debugging
docker run -p 80:80 jsve/wireless-debugging

Note: you may have to prepend sudo to the above commands to run them with elevated privileges.

2. Include the Wireless Debug library in your application


See the full guide here.

  1. Add: compile 'live.flume.wireless.debugger:wirelessdebugger:1.0.0' to your build.gradle

  2. Create a new string resource file and add the following fields, replacing server and key with the appropriate values:

    <string name="wireless_debug_server">server</string>
    <string name="wireless_debug_api_key">key</string>

    Note: Creating a file to store your information is not required but is recommended in order to keep your information private. Do not add the file to your source control.

  3. Start WirelessDebugger when your app starts by adding this line to your launcher activity’s onCreate method:

    WirelessDebugger.start(R.string.wireless_debug_server, R.string.wireless_debug_api_key, getApplicationContext());


See the full guide here.

  1. Copy the mobile/ios/WirelessDebug folder into your project.
  2. In Xcode, right-click on your project and select “Add Files to “"..."
  3. Select all of the files in the WirelessDebug folder that you copied in step 1.
  4. In your AppDelegate.swift file, add the following line in the application method:

    LogStreamer.start(hostname: self.hostname, apiKey: "test")
  5. If you already have a NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler statement, add the following line to the closure:

  6. If you do do not yet have an NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler statement, add the following to the application method:

    NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler { exception in