Wireless Debugger

Wireless Debugger is a mobile SDK and sample web server for streaming and parsing mobile app logs and displaying them in a web UI console.

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1. Include the library in your application

  1. Copy the mobile/ios/WirelessDebug folder into your project.
  2. In Xcode, right-click on your project and select “Add Files to “"..."
  3. Select all of the files in the WirelessDebug folder that you copied in step 1.

2. Set up the Log Streamer

  1. In your AppDelegate.swift file, add the following line in the application method:

    LogStreamer.start(hostname: self.hostname, apiKey: "test")
  2. If you already have a NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler statement, add the following line to the closure:

  3. If you do do not yet have an NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler statement, add the following to the the application method:

    NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler { exception in

Additional Options

Time Interval

Wireless Debugger can also be given a time interval as an argument. The time interval tells Wireless Debugger how frequently to send messages to the server. The default value is 100ms. Increasing the interval will cause Wireless Debugger to send messages less frequently, decreasing it does the opposite. Most of the time changing the interval is not needed but with large logs or slow network connection, you may find changing the interval is beneficial.

Example: sending logs every second (1000ms):

LogStreamer.start(hostname: self.hostname, apiKey: "test", timeInterval: 1000)


If you would like to disable logs coming from the Wireless Debugging library, you can set the verbose flag to false:

LogStreamer.start(hostname: self.hostname, apiKey: "test", verbose: false)