Wireless Debugger

Wireless Debugger is a mobile SDK and sample web server for streaming and parsing mobile app logs and displaying them in a web UI console.

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Server Configuration

There are two ways to configure the Wireless Debug server: the command line, and the config.yaml file. Command line arguments override any configuration from a configuration file.

Command Line Arguments

usage: widb_server.py [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--hostname HOSTNAME] [-p PORT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        the config file to use (defaults to "config.yaml")
  --hostname HOSTNAME   the hostname to expose the application over
  -p PORT, --port PORT  the port to expose the application on
                        the User Management Interface to use
                        the Datastore Interface to use

Note for Docker: You can pass these arguments after specifying the container to run:

docker run -p 80:80 jsve/wireless-debugging -d 'mongo_datastore_interface.MongoDatastoreInterface()'

Configuration File

The configuration file must be in YAML format. The default configuration file is config.yaml. A sample configuration file is provided in server/sample-config.yaml Here is an example config.yaml file:

port: 80
datastore_interface: no_datastore_interface.NoDatastoreInterface()
user_management_interface: email_auth.EmailAuth()